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GEME Refrigeration Enterprises Need to Pay Attention to Regional Industrial Structure Layout


GEME Refrigeration Enterprises Need to Pay Attention to Regional Industrial Structure Layout

In recent years, due to the impact of the big economic environment,

GEME refrigeration enterprises have fallen into the shackles of development. Nowadays, more and more enterprises begin to seek the road of transformation, but on the road of transformation, Gaoermei refrigeration enterprises still need to find the direction of transformation.

The industry is facing transformation difficulties

From the perspective of the overall market development, with the deepening of reform and opening up and the coordinated development of central and western China, there has been a new round of industrial transfer, and the industry will inevitably undergo gradient transfer. Enterprises can also rely on the advantages of China's vast economic regions, march into the central and western regions, spread their branches and leaves in China, drive the industry with the market, build a complete industrial chain, and win the national market.

In recent years, with the global economic downturn, traditional industries are faced with shrinking markets and rising costs. In addition, traditional labor-intensive industries have low barriers to entry. The expansion of the previous years has led to overcapacity. Some industrial deep-seated contradictions and problems that were temporarily covered up in the period of rapid growth of traditional industries began to emerge gradually. The channel channel of home decoration and building materials industry is facing new breakthrough and transformation.



Enterprises need to pay attention to regional industrial structure layout

At present, the international and domestic industrial division of labor has been profoundly adjusted, and the industrial transfer from the eastern coastal areas to the central and western regions has accelerated. Enterprises can also take advantage of the advantages of rich resources, low factor costs and large market potential in the central and western regions to actively carry out industrial transfer, which will not only help enterprises reduce production and operation costs and expand market coverage, but also help accelerate the process of new industrialization and urbanization in the central and western regions, promote regional coordinated development, promote the economic transformation and upgrading of the eastern coastal areas, and optimize the industrial division pattern nationwide.

While conducting industrial transfer, enterprises must pay attention to the effective connection with the regional industrial structure layout to avoid convergence and even lead to new overcapacity. There is often a certain degree of resource convergence in the central and western regions, especially in neighboring regions. Therefore, in the process of transfer, enterprises must conform to the local industrial development status according to the principle of optimal allocation of resources.

Therefore, enterprises in this context also need to find the direction suitable for their own development. In the case of changes in the industrial pattern, enterprises can only find the direction suitable for their own development in the high-speed overview of the overall situation by improving their own height from the perspective of the whole market.

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Guangdong GEME Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. Yue ICP Bei No. 19056255